plFull Moon Cleanse Challenge





Sync Your Body with the Rhythms of Nature

Every month you have an opportunity to harmonize your health at the height of the lunar cycle. Our 3-Day challenge is designed to be used during the New Moon. It is for those who, wish to change to raw, healing & energizing meals the way Nature serves them up to us- in their pristine unadulterated form. It is also for those who simply wish to live in sync with the rhythms of nature and to take advantage of the the many changes that occur naturally during a full moon. By aligning ourselves with these very strong energies we are able to elevate our lives to flow with the vibrational energies of the full moon.

How It Works

You choose one of the following options.
  1. a liquid cleanse or
  2.  a solid food/Liquid combo.
You will be given menus for eating, drinking as well as mental and emotional tools to assist you during this time
This  includes (but is not limited to):
  • Suggestions for books to read
  • Suggestions of Films to Watch
  • Suggestions of Essential Oils to assist in heightening or calming down your experience of the Full Moon energies
  • Meditations & Deep Breathing exercises
  • A Zoom Call with Doreet (phonetically pronounced Doreet) to respond to your questions  on the day before you start

Doreet will immediately supply you with a suggested Menu and Ingredients List from which to choose your Meals. This opportunity is for those who do not have powerful, expensive blenders or juicing machines. No equipment needed, except perhaps a knife and a serving dish or tray, a Mortar & Pestle  or cutting board.

You will also receive a Meditation Video.
Doreet will meet with you the day prior on Zoom, to speak directly with you, give instructions and suggestions and respond to your questions.
Price: $50.00 + tax
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